American Square Dances of The West
& Southwest - online instruction book

With Calls, instructions, diagrams, steps & sheet music

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American Square Dances
This is an old pioneer Quadrille figure, as called by "Uncle Wood" Dillingham of Austin, Texas.
The First and Third Couples lead to the right and form two lings of four with the Side Couples, and circle clockwise once around. They break the rings and the ladies make a left about-face turn and stand beside their Partners, facing in the opposite direction pom the gentle?nen, and all join right hands with Partners (joined hands held high). The Head Couples now dance forward on a right diagonal toward the Side Couples who, at the same time, move two steps sideways to their right. The two gentlemen in the center of each line of four thus formed join their left hands (held high). The formation is now that of two lines of four dancers with hands joined high, each person in the lines facing opposite to his neighbor.
The two lines dance three steps toward the center and three steps back to place. The gentlemen release their left hands and swing their Partners with a Right Hand Swing until the gentleĀ­men meet, whereupon the gentlemen swing once and a half by the left elbow. The gentlemen now swing their Corner Ladies in each line with a Right Hand Swing until the gentlemen meet each other. The gentlemen again swing once and a half by the left elbow, and then swing their Partners half around with a brief Two Hand Swing.
The First and Third Couples now lead across the set and dance the figure with the opposite Side Couples. The Head Couples "Balance home" and the chorus is danced, after which the call is repeated with the Second and Fourth Couples leading the dance.